
Lecture on “Tourism Development through Cycling” at Komatsu University in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture

I was invited to give a lecture on “Tourism Development through Cycling” at Komatsu University in Komatsu City, Ishikawa Prefecture.
At the invitation of Professor Nakako, who teaches tourism at the Faculty of International Cultural Exchange at this university located in front of Komatsu Station, I was invited to give a one-and-a-half hour talk on cycling to university students.
What surprised me was the speed and volume of response from the students.
I got the impression that they were interested in revitalization through local exploration and the challenges of cycling in road transportation.
And the many textbooks they wrote after the class. We learned a lot from them.
Thank you very much, Professor Nakako.…/tea…/pdf/fukiko_nakako.pdf