
Test Ride for Manufacturers and Related Businesses

This service is for bicycle manufacturers and related businesses. We organize cycling tours, test rides, test ride events, and other events that bring out the appeal of your brand on your behalf. We also provide outsourcing services to solve manpower and weekend-intensive problems. We can also work as a client's event without the exposure of RIDAS.

Imaging Business

Unlike in developed cycling countries such as Europe, the U.S., and Australia, the status of cycling is very low in Japan. LIDAS is committed to visually communicating the value, benefits, and utility of cycling through video, writing, and other media. We will work to dispel the existing general image of bicycles and create an image that will facilitate the spread of sports bicycling in Japan.

Assist Business

Cycling strengthens team and organizational bonds. Cycling, using all five senses and confronting nature, involves friends helping each other to reach their goals. This is an effective way to build bonds. Lidas offers "team building services" through such sport rides. We also use professional camera equipment to capture the memories of the tour on film. This is another way to create memories.

JCGA Cycling Guide Course

We offer the Japan Cycling Guide Association (JCGA) certification test and hands-on training at our Lidas Laboratory. The road environment in Japan is not comfortable for cyclists. There are also unique rules such as riding on sidewalks, two-step right turns, and always riding on the left side of the road, which are difficult to understand for visitors to Japan from other countries with advanced bicycle technologies. Drivers' manners are also not good. It requires a very high level of knowledge, technique, and experience to lead guests safely and securely under such circumstances.

Cycle Tourism Business Training Course

Creating cycle tourism cannot be accomplished by simply printing out courses and maps and handing them out, or by drawing lines on roads and erecting signboards. It is essential to train people who are rooted in the community, who can direct the community, and who have knowledge and experience specialized in cycling. The objective of this program is to provide participants with knowledge and skills related to tourism cycling, rather than the existing training courses that focus on racing and training. The objective of this course is to provide participants with knowledge and skills related to cycling for tourism, rather than the existing training courses that focus on racing and training. The lecturers are certified by the Japan Cycling Association and the Japan Cycling Guide Association.

Cycling Tour Business

LIDAS offers original cycling tours as a travel agency. Our popular cycling tours include "Cycling in Japan's Original Landscapes," "Old Street Bicycle Tours," "Inbound Tours," and "E-bike Tours. In Japan, most cycling tours are "fast," "far," and "high" on road bikes. Lydas tours are cycling tours where you can experience "travel".

Cycling Business Support Project

Based on our 23 years of experience (as of FY2023) in the field of cycle tourism, a new style of tourism, and our track record of being commissioned by various municipalities across Japan, we will develop sustainable cycling projects in the region.